Lightning Strike! - 29 July 2000 .Click here for the photos. A mostly dead tree in the front yard was struck by lightning around 5pm EDST. The bolt traveled down one side below the bark and then cut through trunk and dissipated through the roots.
The Weather Channel Online . The well known cable network. Has many good satellite pictures. An excellent source of weather info.
These photos were taken in Late August of 1985 from my dorm room (Cross Center) at the University of Oklahoma looking to the north. Camera was a Minolta SRT-101 with 100 ASA film , fstop at 22 and the shutter was open for 60 seconds. The tall structure on the right is Owen Stadium and the more distant tower near the lightning bolt is the Physical Health Sciences Center.
Last Updated: 07/31/00 11:14 AM -0400