The Captain Avatar Chapter
Welcome to my homepage! This site serves two purposes. It highlights the Grumpy Old Men and it is my personal Home Page for me, Captain Avatar.
A G.O.M. is any guy (and lady) over the age of 30 who enjoys a good multiplayer game on the internet without "Bratty little kids, poor sports, and potty mouths". The GOMs are a loose collection of about a dozen gamers who meet on ICQ and the "ZONE" to play various games such as Total Annihilation, Quake3, Close Combat (1,2,3,&4), European Air War, Half-Life, Diablo 2, and Homeworld .
(Not entirely accurate.Occasionaly shows "Indicator Disabled" when it is not)
Theme music is "The Last Starfighter"
Last Updated: 05/05/00 02:15 PM -0400